We are no longer operating online sales due to rising costs, please contact us directly.

About Us

Early 1900 in Morecambe where carriage horses were relied upon to transport visitors around this lovely seaside town. Cab horses lived out on the marsh and managed their areas of grazing through the tidal flows.

Cost of treatments for everyday ailments were difficult to budget for and alternatives were always sought. The best natural products were used as only the best was good enough for these lovely animals. 

Our family created this recipe to treat all sorts of conditions from mud rash/fever to being a healer for cuts and grazes. The product is now sold under the name of Mickey B’s and is the exact same recipe as it was back then. 

We are excited to bring this product to the market. Horse owners are not only benefiting from its rapid results but also using it for other conditions including mallenders & sallenders. We welcome any feedback after using our products and look forward to each and every one of you becoming our regular customers.
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